Personal Tutors in London
020 3566 0145
Government and Politics Tutors in London
We offer private tutors in Government and Politics for students who need extra help and encouragement with their A level or AS level in this popular subject. As the content of these courses differ from exam board to exam board, we cannot be precise here as to what your tuition will involve.
Generally, courses will look at politics, participation and the role of government in the United Kingdom, while the government and politics of the United States might also feature.
We have a superb team of private tutors who are skilled at teaching Government and Politics and we are confident that you or your child will learn so much about the subject from them. They are also on hand to advise on exam technique and choices that should be made with the course.
To learn more about private tuition in Government and Politics with us, please contact 020 3566 0145 or e-mail us here.
First Floor, 532a Kingston Road, London SW20 8DT
Tel. 020 3566 0145 Email: