Personal Tutors in London

020 3566 0145
Law Tutors in London
We provide specialist private Law tutors for all major examinations; including A-Level, LLB and the LPC. Law is a great career choice, but to succeed in this competitive environment you need to make sure that you excel academically, which is where we can help you.
All our law tutors have great experience of the law and are passionate about teaching. All of them possess good law degrees from renowned universities and have specialisations in particular fields of law.
We have personally chosen each tutor and you can trust that they are committed, skilled and passionate about their work. They have the empathy to understand your concerns and the tools to help you to succeed in your course or exam. In many cases, they are experienced markers or teachers of the course you are taking.

First Floor, 532a Kingston Road, London SW20 8DT
Tel. 020 3566 0145 Email: